IELTS Date Book Center in Nepal

Fill out the form and pay for the IELTS Date, and we will book your date.

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IELTS Date Book Center in Nepal

You can book your IELTS Date from here, simply fill out the form above, and we will call you for the rest of the information and documents. For payment, we have put a QR below simply pay here

Cost for IELTS Date Booking

Test Type Cost (NPR)
IELTS on Paper 29,500
IELTS on Computer 27,100
UKVI Life Skills 22,500
UKVI IELTS on Paper 32,000
UKVI IELTS on Computer 27,100
EOR IELTS on Computer (BAU & UKVI) 14,500
EOR IELTS on Paper (BAU & UKVI) 15,100
IELTS on Computer (One Skill Retake) 16,500


Siddartha Bank



IDP Dates

Britice Counseling Dates

IELTS Date Book Center in Nepal 5