SAT Dates in Nepal
Digital SAT तयारीको खोजीमा हुनुहुन्छ भने, MKS Education तपाईंको लागि उत्कृष्ट स्थान हुन सक्छ। हामी Online र Physical दुबै माध्यमबाट पढाउँछौं।
हाम्रोमा LMS पोर्टल र SAT App पनि उपलब्ध छ, जसमा २२ वटा Full-length Test र ४०० भन्दा बढी Sectionwise Test टेस्टहरू छन्। साथै, SAT तयारीको लागि आवश्यक सबै किताबहरू र अन्य प्राक्टिस सामग्रीहरू प्रदान गर्छौं।
हामीसँग क्र्यास कोर्सहरू पनि उपलब्ध छन्, जसले छोटो समयमै प्रभावकारी तयारी गर्न सहयोग पुर्याउँछ। MKS Education तपाईंको लक्ष्य प्राप्तिका लागि उचित निर्णय हुन सक्छ।
Join MKS Education for top-notch digital SAT preparation. Fill out the form for quick access to all relevant information. Your journey to success awaits!
SAT Dates in Nepal 2024
Attention to all aspiring Nepalese students! Mark your calendars for the upcoming digital SAT dates on March 7th, 2025, and May 3rd, 2025. Given the limited availability of centres and seats, we urge you not to delay. Secure your preferred date swiftly to avoid missing out on this crucial opportunity. Take charge of your preparations by managing your own device for the exam.
Join our top-rated SAT classes for comprehensive preparation, or enhance your readiness with our digital mock test packages. Short-term courses are also available to accommodate your schedule.
To reserve your SAT date, register directly on the College Board website. Conveniently, you can book your date using a dollar card, which is available from any Nepalese bank. Alternatively, you may book through the bank, although this method may incur additional taxes. Don’t let this chance slip away – take action now to shape your academic future!
Also, Visit SAT Preparation Class | The New Digital SAT | SAT Quant Instructor | SAT Verbal Instructor | SAT Free Resources | SAT Calculator Policy |
SAT Upcoming Dates for Nepal
March 8, 2025
May 3, 2025
Jun 5, 2025
November 7, 2025
August 23, 2025
How to Book Digital SAT Date in Nepal
डेट बुक गर्दा कुनै बैंकबाट डलर कार्ड बनाएर $115 लोड गरी आफैं डेट बुक गर्न सकिन्छ। अथवा, तपाईं नजिकको बैंकमा गई कलेज बोर्डको आईडी र पासवर्ड दिई डेट बुक गराउन सक्नुहुन्छ। बैंकले यो प्रक्रियाको लागि लगभग १७,००० देखि १९,००० रुपैयाँसम्म लिन सक्छ।
SAT Test Date | Registration Deadline | Late Registration Deadline |
Mar 8, 2025 | Feb 21, 2025 | Feb 25, 2025 |
May 3, 2025 | Apr 18, 2025 | April 22, 2025 |
June 7, 2025 | May 22, 2025 | May 27, 2025 |
August 23, 2025 | Anticipated | |
October 4, 2025 | Anticipated | |
November 8, 2025 | Anticipated | |
December 6, 2025 | Anticipated | |
March 14, 2026 | Anticipated | |
May 2, 2026 | Anticipated | |
June 6, 2026 | Anticipated |
SAT Date जतिसक्दो छिटो बुक गर्नुस्। डेडलाइन बाँकी भए पनि, सिट प्याक भएपछि डेट बुक गर्न सकिन्न। त्यसैले समयमै सुनिश्चित गर्नुस् कि तपाईंले आफ्नो परीक्षाको लागि आवश्यक डेट सुरक्षित गर्नुभएको छ।
Please remember that these dates are subject to change. Please re-check the date on the SAT official site.
Students seeking admission to undergraduate courses in prominent foreign locations from Nepal, such as Australia, Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom, take the SAT, an internationally renowned standardized test.
The applicants’ written, verbal, and mathematical abilities are assessed in this test.
Apart from the general SAT Test, students who want to apply for a specific course may take the SAT Subject Test to demonstrate their knowledge of that subject. Math, History, Science, Literature, and English Literature are among the subject tests available.
Students may take more than one subject test depending on their needs or the requirements of the institution they want to enrol in.
How can I sign up for the SAT Exam?
Students may register for the SAT both online and via mail. Students must establish an account on the College Board’s official website to participate in the online procedure.
Then, choose a test day and location and pay the exam cost online.
In addition, students may register for the test late after paying a late fee. Students must verify the SAT dates before registering.
SAT डेट बुक गर्न पासपोर्ट आवश्यक नपर्ला, तर टेस्ट दिनका लागि पासपोर्ट अनिवार्य चाहिन्छ। त्यसैले, आफ्नो पासपोर्ट अपडेट र तयार अवस्थामा राख्नुस् ताकि कुनै समस्या नआओस्।
SAT Online registration
1. Create a student profile. here
2. Select a test date and location (Sunday testing or the option to choose a test center closer to home is not offered)
3. You will get instant confirmation of your registration.
4. You may pay for the test using a credit/debit card or an online money transfer.
5. Typically, registration deadlines are three to four weeks before the exam.
6. Late registration deadlines are usually two to three weeks before the test date, and there is a late charge if you register late.
Category | Price in Dollar | Price in NRS Approx. |
The application fee for the SAT Test | $110 | Changing the date | test centre Fee |
Late Registration Fee | $30 | NRS 3,500 |
Changing the date | test center Fee | $35 | NRS 4,100 |
Waitlist Fee | $53 | NRS 6,300 |
Register by Phone | $15 | NRS 1,700 |
Digital SAT Detail Information
Category | New Digital SAT |
Format | Digital only via a College Board app |
Timing | 2 hours and 14 minutes |
Sections | 2 Sections, each with 2 Stages Reading and Writing 1. Combined R&W Stage 1 (32 min, 27 items) 2. Combined R&W Stage 2 (32 min, 27 items) 3. Math Math Stage 1 (35 min, 22 items) 4. Math Stage 2 (35 min, 22 items) |
Score Range | An algorithm produces question sets from a vast pool of questions labeled based on characteristics ranging from topic area to difficulty. |
Structure | Adaptive Stage The second section stage is more complex than the first stage based on how well the student did in the first stage. The test makes the second stage fit the student. |
Pool of questions | Four unscored questions will be mixed in among the scores on the Reading, Writing, and Math tests. |
Equating or Unscored Questions | An algorithm produces question sets from a vast pool of questions labelled based on characteristics ranging from topic area to difficulty. |
Score Reports | Days after the examination Students can no longer view their questions and answers. |
SAT Test Dates and Frequently Asked Questions for Nepal
If you still have questions about the SAT and test dates, check out the SAT FAQs.
When Should You Take the SAT?
If you want to get the most out of your SAT, you must choose to time it correctly.
When Are Your College Application Deadlines?
This should be the essential element in your decision. Candidates are encouraged to schedule their SATs ahead of time to prevent any last-minute stress.
Candidates should apply 8-10 months ahead of time to have a seamless college admission process.
Do you intend to apply for SAT scholarships?
Another significant consideration is this. Candidates who want to apply for scholarships that need SAT scores should do so ahead of time since scholarships often take longer to complete and involve a lot of documentation. Candidates should know that their SAT Score is valid for five years, so they may take the SAT, apply for an SAT Scholarship, and then utilize the same score for college admissions.
Will You Take the SAT More Than Once?
Your SAT Score is valid for five years, and there is no limit on how many times a candidate may take the SAT Test.
As a result, a candidate may begin as early as possible and appear as often as he or she wants.
How much time will you need to study?
Candidates who need more time to study should plan their examinations according to their needs. The SAT is costly; therefore, students should always study well and be confident in their performance before scheduling an exam.
When is the best time to take the test?
Most students choose to take the SAT in class on the 11th or 12th day of school. Plan to take the SAT exam in such a manner that you will have your SAT results with you throughout the application process.
Can a candidate take the SAT several times?
There are no limits to how many times you can take the SAT exam; you may take it as often as you like. You must, however, pay the registration cost each time you want.
How can I sign up for the SAT?
You may register for the SAT online at, the official website of the College Board. Before enrolling for the SAT exam, double-check the dates shown above.
What is the SAT’s weighted average?
The SAT is currently graded on a scale of 1600 points after revisions in 2016. The math part is worth 800 points, while evidence-based reading and writing are worth 400 points.
When will the SAT exams be held in 2024?
Please see the following page for the SAT Test Dates and Registration 2025.
What is an acceptable SAT score?
The SAT exam does not include a pass or fail option. The lowest SAT score is 400, while the highest, or perfect score, is 1600. When should you begin studying for the SAT? Preparing for the SAT requires at least 6-12 weeks. Additionally, SAT preparation time varies from person to person. Ensure you leave enough time to get your SAT score before beginning the application process.
Is it permissible for applicants to use a calculator during the SAT exam?
For some parts, candidates may utilize their calculators. Check with the College Board to see which kinds of calculators are permitted since not all types of College Board calculators are permitted.
What is the highest SAT score you have ever received?
The highest SAT score is 1600, while the lowest is 400. An Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score and a Math component are included in the overall SAT score.
SAT LMS Portal feature
Time-bound Test
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Video Lectures
MKS instructors
SAT Instructor
Mr. Manoj K. Singh
Highly experienced and score-oriented Instructor. To address students’ needs and make Tests easy, he developed a Learning Management System (LMS) that manages students’ overall study.