1. Dearth
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɜːrθ/
Syllable: 1
Nepali Meaning: अभाव
Synonym: Scarcity, lack
Antonym: Abundance, surfeit
Example 1: The dearth of water in the village has caused the inhabitants to migrate elsewhere. (गाउँमा पानीको अभावले बासिन्दालाई अन्यत्र सर्न बाध्य पारेको छ।)
Example 2: Despite the dearth of jokes in the comedian’s routine, the audience laughed at every punchline. (हास्य नायकको कार्यक्रममा विनोदहरूको अभाव बावजुद प्रहरीहरू प्रत्येक पंचलाइनमा हाँस्दै गरेका थिए।)
2. Decadence
Type: Noun
Sound: /ˈdɛkədəns/
Syllable: 3
Nepali Meaning: पतन
Synonym: Degeneration, decay
Antonym: Rise, growth
Example 1: The decadence of the city’s culture is evident in the lack of interest in arts and literature. (शहरको संस्कृतिको पतन कला र साहित्यमा रुचि नहुने भागमा स्पष्ट छ।)
Example 2: The King’s decadence was marked by his ever-increasing collection of pointless trinkets. (राजाको पतनलाई उसको बढ्दो बेअर्थी टिकटिकी संग्रहले चिन्हित गर्नु भएको थियो।)
3. Defer
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈfɜːr/
Syllable: 2
Nepali Meaning: ढिलाउनु
Synonym: Postpone, delay
Antonym: Hasten, expedite
Example 1: The doctor decided to defer the surgery due to the patient’s poor health condition. (डाक्टरले रोगीको खराब स्वास्थ्य स्थितिका कारण सर्जरी ढिलाउने निर्णय गरे।)
Example 2: The dog decided to defer eating the steak because the cat was watching. (बिरालो हेरिरहेको भएकाले कुकुरले स्टेक खान ढिलाउने निर्णय गर्यो।)
4. Denigrate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdɛnɪɡreɪt/
Syllable: 3
Nepali Meaning: बदनाम गर्नु
Synonym: Defame, belittle
Antonym: Praise, commend
Example 1: She never misses an opportunity to denigrate her competitors. (उनी आफ्ना प्रतिस्पर्धीहरूलाई बदनाम गर्ने अवसर कहिले नछुटाउँछिन्।)
Example 2: The mouse started to denigrate the cat, making fun of its inability to climb. (मूसा बिरालोलाई बदनाम गर्न थाल्यो, यसको चढ्न नसक्नेकुरा र मज्जाले हाँस्य गर्दै।)
5. Deplore
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈplɔːr/
Syllable: 2
Nepali Meaning: गम्भीर रूपमा निन्दा गर्नु
Synonym: Lament, condemn
Antonym: Praise, approve
Example 1: Environmental activists deplore the destruction of the rainforest. (पर्यावरण सक्रिय समूहले वर्षावनको नाशलाई गम्भीर रूपमा निन्दा गर्दछ।)
Example 2: The banana, once deplored for being too ripe, found peace when it was turned into a delicious smoothie. (एक पटक धेरै पकिएको भएकाले निन्दा पाएको केरा, एउटा मिठो स्मूदीमा परिवर्तन भएपछि शान्ति पायो।)
6. Deride
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈraɪd/
Syllable: 2
Nepali Meaning: हाँस्य गर्नु
Synonym: Mock, ridicule
Antonym: Respect, praise
Example 1: It’s not polite to deride someone because of their beliefs. (कसैको विश्वासका कारण हाँस्य गर्नु शिष्टाचार अनुसारको होइन।)
Example 2: The goose derided the duck’s attempt to fly higher, only to be surprised when the duck succeeded.
7. Desecrate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈde-si-ˌkrāt/
Syllable: Des-e-crate
Nepali Meaning: अपवित्र गर्नु
Synonym: Defile, violate
Antonym: Sanctify, consecrate
Example 1: It is considered a severe crime to desecrate a sacred site. (पवित्र स्थललाई अपवित्र गर्ने मानिन्छ एक गम्भीर अपराध।)
Example 2: The raccoon, with its mischievous ways, desecrated the bear’s carefully arranged picnic. (आफ्नो खेली गर्ने तरिकाले, रकुनले भालुको सावधानीपूर्वक व्यवस्थापित पिकनिकलाई अपवित्र गर्यो।)
8. Despondent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈspɑːndənt/
Syllable: De-spon-dent
Nepali Meaning: निराश
Synonym: Downcast, disheartened
Antonym: Cheerful, optimistic
Example 1: The team was despondent after losing the championship. (च्याम्पियनसिप हारेपछि टोली निराश थियो।)
Example 2: The cat looked despondent after realizing that it had failed to catch the mouse. (मुसालाई समेत पकड्न नसकेको बुझ्दा बिरालो निराश देखियो।)
9. Detrimental
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˌde-trə-ˈmen-təl/
Syllable: De-tri-men-tal
Nepali Meaning: क्षतिकर
Synonym: Harmful, damaging
Antonym: Beneficial, advantageous
Example 1: Smoking is detrimental to your health. (धूम्रपान स्वास्थ्यका लागि क्षतिकर हुन्छ।)
Example 2: The squirrel found it detrimental to its plans when it forgot where it had hidden the nuts. (समयलाई बिर्सिएकोले, सिंगौंले आफ्नो योजनामा क्षतिकर पायो।)
10. Dichotomy
Type: Noun
Sound: /daɪˈkɑːtəmi/
Syllable: Di-chot-o-my
Nepali Meaning: द्वन्द्व
Synonym: Division, contrast
Antonym: Similarity, likeness
Example 1: The dichotomy between rich and poor is evident in this city. (धनी र गरिब बीचको द्वन्द्व यस शहरमा स्पष्ट छ।)
Example 2: The ant and grasshopper presented a classic dichotomy, the ant always busy and the grasshopper always playing. (मौरी र गिर्गिटले एक क्लासिक द्वन्द्व प्रस्तुत गर्यो, मौरी सधैं व्यस्त र गिर्गिट सधैं खेल्दै।)
11. Diligent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/
Syllable: Dil-i-gent
Nepali Meaning: मेहनती
Synonym: Industrious, meticulous
Antonym: Lazy, negligent
Example 1: Her diligent approach to studying helped her achieve top marks. (उसको अध्ययनमा मेहनती दृष्टिकोणले उसलाई शीर्ष नक्का प्राप्त गर्नमा मद्दत गर्यो।)
Example 2: The diligent beaver built a dam while the lazy beaver slept on the river bank. (मेहनती बीवरले एउटा ड्याम बनायो भने अल्छी बीवरले नदीको किनारामा सुत्यो।)
12. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अपमान गर्नु
Synonym: Belittle, denigrate
Antonym: Praise, compliment
Example 1: It is wrong to disparage someone based on their appearance. (कसैको देखावटमा आधारित गरेर उनलाई अपमान गर्नु गलत हो।)
Example 2: The peacock disparaged the crow for its plain feathers, forgetting that all birds are special in their own way. (मयूरले कागलाई यसको साधा पखेटाहरूका लागि अपमान गर्यो, यसले भुलाएको छ कि सबै चरा आफ्नो आफ्नो तरिकाले विशेष छन्।)
13. Disparate
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪspərət/
Syllable: Dis-par-ate
Nepali Meaning: फरक
Synonym: Different, distinct
Antonym: Similar, alike
Example 1: The two brothers have disparate interests; one loves sports, and the other loves art. (ती दुई दाजुभाइहरूका रुचिहरू फरक छन्; एकले खेलकूद माया गर्छन्, र अर्कोले कला माया गर्छन्।)
Example 2: The turtle and the rabbit had disparate strategies for the race, but we all know how that ended. (कछुवा र खरायोले दौडमा फरक रणनीतिहरू राखेका थिए, तर हामी सबैले त्यसले कसरी समाप्त भयो भनेर जान्छौं।)
14. Disseminate
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsɛmɪneɪt/
Syllable: Dis-sem-i-nate
Nepali Meaning: फैलाउनु
Synonym: Spread, distribute
Antonym: Gather, collect
Example 1: The government is trying to disseminate information about the new health policy. (सरकार नयाँ स्वास्थ्य नीतिको जानकारी फैलाउने प्रयास गर्दैछ।)
Example 2: The squirrel decided to disseminate its acorns all over the forest, only to forget where. (सिंगौंले आफ्ना ओकर्नहरू वन भरि फैलाउने निर्णय गर्यो, तर कहाँ भनेर बिर्सियो।)
15. Dogmatic
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɔːgˈmætɪk/
Syllable: Dog-mat-ic
Nepali Meaning: कट्टर
Synonym: Dictatorial, adamant
Antonym: Open-minded, flexible
Example 1: His dogmatic approach to leadership did not earn him many friends. (उसको कट्टर नेतृत्व दृष्टिकोणले उसलाई धेरै साथी बनाउन सकेन।)
Example 2: The dog was quite dogmatic about being fed at exactly 7 pm every day. (कुकुरले हरेक दिन ठिक ७ बजे खाना खाने कुरामा धेरै कट्टरता देखायो।)
16. Dormant
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɔːrmənt/
Syllable: Dor-mant
Nepali Meaning: निदान
Synonym: Inactive, latent
Antonym: Active, lively
Example 1: The volcano has been dormant for hundreds of years. (यो ज्वालामुखी सयौं वर्षहरू देखि निदान छ।)
Example 2: The dog lay dormant all day, but sprung into action when it heard the dinner bell. (कुकुर सारा दिन निदान थियो, तर खाना घण्टी सुन्दा तत्परतापूर्वक काममा आयो।)
17. Duplicity
Type: Noun
Sound: /duːˈplɪsɪti/
Syllable: Du-plic-i-ty
Nepali Meaning: कपट
Synonym: Deceit, trickery
Antonym: Honesty, sincerity
Example 1: His duplicity was exposed when the truth came out. (सत्य बाहिर आएपछि उनको कपट खुलासा भयो।)
Example 2: The crow’s duplicity was revealed when the other birds discovered it had been hiding the shiny object. (अन्य पक्षीले चमकिलो वस्तु लुकाउँदै आएको थियो भनेर खोज्दा कागको कपट प्रकट भयो।)
18. Decipher
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsaɪfər/
Syllable: De-ci-pher
Nepali Meaning: बुझ्नु
Synonym: Decode, interpret
Antonym: Encode, garble
Example 1: The archaeologist was able to decipher the ancient script. (पुरातत्वविदले प्राचीन लिपिलाई बुझ्न सके।)
Example 2: The dog had to decipher the cat’s confusing signals to understand if it was playtime or not. (कुकुरले खेल्ने समय छ कि छैन भन्न बुझ्नका लागि बिरालोका भ्रामक संकेतहरूलाई बुझ्नु पर्यो।)
19. Demise
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈmaɪz/
Syllable: De-mise
Nepali Meaning: मृत्यु
Synonym: Death, downfall
Antonym: Birth, ascent
Example 1: The demise of the king led to a period of uncertainty in the kingdom. (राजाको मृत्युले राज्यमा अनिश्चितताको काल ल्यायो।)
Example 2: The demise of the balloon was inevitable when it decided to race with a cactus. (गुब्बरे बाँगाईनसित दौड गर्ने निर्णय गरेपछि त्यसको अन्त्य अपरिहार्य थियो।)
20. Deride
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈraɪd/
Syllable: De-ride
Nepali Meaning: उपहास गर्नु
Synonym: Mock, ridicule
Antonym: Praise, respect
Example 1: It is unkind to deride someone for their mistakes. (कसैले गरेको त्रुटिका लागि उनलाई उपहास गर्नु नराम्रो हो।)
Example 2: The parrot derided the crow for its singing, until the crow showed off its impressive memory skills. (म्याउरे गाइँदा कागलाई उपहास गर्यो, जबसम्म कागले आफ्नो प्रभावशाली स्मृतिका कौशलहरू देखाएन।)
21. Decry
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈkraɪ/
Syllable: De-cry
Nepali Meaning: खंडन गर्नु
Synonym: Condemn, criticize
Antonym: Praise, commend
Example 1: Environmentalists decry the construction of the new dam due to its potential harm to local wildlife. (स्थानीय वन्यजन्तुलाई हुने सम्भावित क्षतिको कारण नयाँ बाँधको निर्माणलाई पारिस्थितिकीय विचारधाराका समर्थकहरू खंडन गर्छन्।)
Example 2: The ants decried the grasshopper’s laziness all summer, until they saw his impressive snow sculpture in the winter. (मौरीहरूले गर्मीमा गिड्डाको अल्छीपनलाई सधैं खंडन गर्दछन्, जबसम्म उनीहरूले जाडोमा उनको प्रभावशाली हिउँको मूर्ति हेर्दैनन्।)
22. Discrepancy
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈskrɛpənsi/
Syllable: Dis-crep-an-cy
Nepali Meaning: असहमति
Synonym: Inconsistency, difference
Antonym: Consistency, agreement
Example 1: The discrepancy between the two reports led to further investigation. (दुई प्रतिवेदनमा असहमतिले थप अनुसन्धान गर्न लाग्यो।)
Example 2: The giraffe pointed out the discrepancy in the bird’s plan to create an underground burrow. (जिराफले चराको योजनामा भूमिगत बिल बनाउनको असहमतिलाई उल्लेख गर्यो।)
23. Deplete
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈpliːt/
Syllable: De-plete
Nepali Meaning: खत्म हुनु
Synonym: Exhaust, use up
Antonym: Renew, replenish
Example 1: Overfishing can deplete fish populations in the sea. (अत्यधिक मत्स्यमरणले समुद्रमा मछलीको जनसंख्या खत्म गर्न सक्छ।)
Example 2: The squirrel worried that his nut collection would deplete before the winter was over. (सिंगौंलाई चिन्ता थियो कि उसको बदामको संग्रह जाडो सकिनु अगाडि खत्म हुने छ।)
24. Deliberate
Type: Verb, Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈlɪbərət/ (verb), /dɪˈlɪbərɪt/ (adjective)
Syllable: De-lib-er-ate
Nepali Meaning: चिन्तन-मनन गर्नु (verb), जानबुझी (adjective)
Synonym: Consider, contemplate (verb), Intentional, calculated (adjective)
Antonym: Ignore, neglect (verb), Unplanned, accidental (adjective)
Example 1: We need to deliberate before making a final decision. (हामीले अन्तिम निर्णय गर्नु अघि चिन्तन-मनन गर्नु पर्दछ।)
Example 2: The elephant’s deliberate attempt to share his peanuts was met with applause from the other animals. (हात्तीको मुण्डाहरू साझेदारी गर्ने जानबुझी प्रयासलाई अन्य जनावरहरूबाट तालियाँ प्राप्त भयो।)
25. Dubious
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdjuːbiəs/
Syllable: Du-bi-ous
Nepali Meaning: संदिग्ध
Synonym: Doubtful, questionable
Antonym: Certain, definite
Example 1: The politician’s dubious claims were challenged by the reporters. (राजनीतिज्ञका संदिग्ध दाबीहरूलाई पत्रकारहरूले चुनौती दिए।)
Example 2: The rabbit was dubious about the fox’s invitation to dinner.
26. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अवमानना गर्नु
Synonym: Belittle, denigrate
Antonym: Praise, applaud
Example 1: It is not good to disparage others based on their beliefs. (अरुको विश्वासमा आधारित गरेर उनलाई अवमानना गर्नु राम्रो होइन।)
Example 2: The frog disparaged the toad for its bumpy skin, but was left embarrassed when the toad won the ‘best jumper’ award. (भ्याकुले टाडाको खुर्कुलो त्वचाका लागि उपेक्षा गर्यो, तर ‘सर्वोत्कृष्ट जम्पर’ पुरस्कार जित्दा उसले लाज पायो।)
27. Dissipate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdɪsɪpeɪt/
Syllable: Dis-si-pate
Nepali Meaning: फैलिनु, बिग्रिनु
Synonym: Disperse, vanish
Antonym: Gather, collect
Example 1: The morning fog will dissipate as the sun rises. (सूर्य उदय हुँदा बिहानीको कुहिरा फैलिनेछ।)
Example 2: The lion’s fears of water dissipated when he realized he could float with a little practice. (सिंहले आफू सानो अभ्यासले तैर्न सक्ने भएको थाहा पाउँदा पानीको डर बिग्रियो।)
28. Discredit
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪsˈkrɛdɪt/
Syllable: Dis-cred-it
Nepali Meaning: बदनाम गर्नु, विश्वास घटाउनु
Synonym: Defame, tarnish
Antonym: Honor, validate
Example 1: Unfounded rumors can discredit a person’s reputation. (आधारहीन अफवाहले व्यक्तिको प्रतिष्ठालाई बदनाम गर्न सक्छ।)
Example 2: The hare tried to discredit the tortoise’s victory in the race by spreading false stories, but no one believed him. (खरायोले हिँड्योको दौडमा विजयलाई बदनाम गर्न झूटी कथाहरू फैलाएर प्रयास गर्यो, तर कोहीले पनि उसलाई विश्वास गरेनन्।)
29. Deterrent
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈtɛrənt/
Syllable: De-ter-rent
Nepali Meaning: निवारक
Synonym: Hindrance, impediment
Antonym: Encouragement, incentive
Example 1: High interest rates can act as a deterrent to potential home buyers. (उच्च ब्याज दरहरू अग्रगामी घर किन्ने व्यक्तिलाई निवारकका रूपमा काम गर्न सक्छ।)
Example 2: The scarecrow was a poor deterrent, the crows simply used it as a perch. (डराउनेको खेतमा राखेको मुर्ख जनावरले निवारकको काम खराब गर्यो, कागले त्यसलाई साधारण बस्ने ठाउँको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्यो।)
30. Disdain
Type: Noun, Verb
Sound: /dɪsˈdeɪn/
Syllable: Dis-dain
Nepali Meaning: तिरस्कार
Synonym: Contempt, scorn
Antonym: Respect, admiration
Example 1: She looked at the dirty dishes with disdain. (उसले फोहोर बाटानलाई तिरस्कारले हेर्यो।)
Example 2: The peacock disdained the pigeon for its lack of colorful feathers, but was surprised when the pigeon showed its incredible speed
31. Dogmatic
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɔːgˈmatɪk/
Syllable: Dog-mat-ic
Nepali Meaning: कठोरतापूर्ण
Synonym: Dictatorial, adamant
Antonym: Open-minded, flexible
Example 1: His dogmatic approach to leadership made it difficult for his team to work with him. (उनको कठोरतापूर्ण नेतृत्व दृष्टिकोणले उनको संग सहकार्य गर्न उनको टोलीलाई कठिनाई पार्नु पर्यो।)
Example 2: The dog was dogmatic about not sharing his bone, even with his best friend the cat. (कुकुरले आफ्नो हाड शेयर नगर्ने बारेमा कठोरतापूर्ण रहेको थियो, साथी बिरालोसंग पनि।)
32. Debase
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈbeɪs/
Syllable: De-base
Nepali Meaning: अपमानित गर्नु
Synonym: Degrade, demean
Antonym: Honor, elevate
Example 1: Spreading false rumors is a way to debase someone’s reputation. (झूटा अफवाह फैलाउनुले व्यक्तिको प्रतिष्ठालाई अपमानित गर्ने एक उपाय हुन सक्छ।)
Example 2: The raccoon debased the squirrel by claiming he had the worst collection of acorns in the forest. (राकुनले दावा गरेर जंगलमा उसले खोपेको बदामको संग्रह सबैभन्दा खराब रहेको भनेर सिंगौंलाई अपमानित गर्यो।)
33. Debunk
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈbʌŋk/
Syllable: De-bunk
Nepali Meaning: असत्य साबित गर्नु
Synonym: Disprove, refute
Antonym: Confirm, prove
Example 1: The scientist was able to debunk the myth with evidence from his research. (वैज्ञानिकले आफ्नो अनुसन्धानबाट प्राप्त प्रमाणको सहयोगले आदर्शवादी कथालाई असत्य साबित गर्न सके।)
Example 2: The owl debunked the raven’s claim of being the smartest bird in the forest by solving the hardest puzzle. (उल्लूले जंगलको सबैभन्दा चतुर चरा हुन रेवनको दावा लाई नकार्न सबैभन्दा कठिन पजल हल गरे।)
34. Daunt
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɔːnt/
Syllable: Daunt
Nepali Meaning: डराउनु
Synonym: Intimidate, scare
Antonym: Encourage, reassure
Example 1: The size of the project was daunting, but we were determined to complete it. (परियोजनाको आकार डरलाग्दो थियो, तर हामीले उसलाई पूरा गर्ने दृढ़ताले काम गर्यौं।)
Example 2: The mountain seemed to daunt the rabbit, but he was ready to face the challenge of climbing it.
35. Decipher
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsaɪfər/
Syllable: De-ci-pher
Nepali Meaning: बुझाउनु, गुप्त लिपि खोल्नु
Synonym: Decode, interpret
Antonym: Encode, cipher
Example 1: The detective was able to decipher the clues and solve the case. (अन्वेषकले सुरागहरू बुझाउन सके र मुद्दा समाधान गरे।)
Example 2: The wise old owl deciphered the secret message in the forest markings. (बुद्धिमान रातसँगाको उल्लूले जंगलको चिन्हहरूमा गुप्त सन्देशलाई खोले।)
36. Deduce
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈdjuːs/
Syllable: De-duce
Nepali Meaning: अनुमान गर्नु, निष्कर्ष निकाल्नु
Synonym: Infer, conclude
Antonym: Guess, speculate
Example 1: From the evidence, the police deduced that the burglar had left through the window. (प्रमाणहरूबाट प्रहरीले चोरले विन्डोमार्फत बाहिर निस्केको निष्कर्ष निकाले।)
Example 2: The fox deduced from the tracks that the rabbit had taken a different route. (फोक्सले खुट्टामार्कोबाट खरायोले अर्को बाटो लिएको अनुमान गर्यो।)
37. Defame
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈfeɪm/
Syllable: De-fame
Nepali Meaning: बदनाम गर्नु
Synonym: Slander, malign
Antonym: Praise, commend
Example 1: False news articles can defame an individual’s character. (झूटा समाचार लेखहरूले व्यक्तिको चरित्रलाई बदनाम पार्न सक्छन्।)
Example 2: The snake defamed the mongoose by spreading false stories about its behavior. (सर्पले मुसाको व्यवहारका बारेमा झूटा कथाहरू फैलाएर उसलाई बदनाम पार्यो।)
38. Deflect
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈflɛkt/
Syllable: De-flect
Nepali Meaning: बिग्राउनु, टाल्नु
Synonym: Divert, veer
Antonym: Attract, welcome
Example 1: The goalkeeper was able to deflect the ball, preventing a goal. (गोलकीपरले बल्ललाई बिग्राउन सके, गोल हुनबाट रोक्यो।)
Example 2: The turtle used its shell to deflect the crow’s pecking attempts. (कछुवाले आफ्नो कचौवालाई प्रयोग गर्दै कागको ठोक्ने प्रयासहरूलाई टाल्यो।)
39. Dehydrate
Type: Verb
Sound: /diːˈhaɪdreɪt/
Syllable: De-hy-drate
Nepali Meaning: पानी निकाल्नु, जलशोषण गर्नु
Synonym: Dry out, desiccate
Antonym: Hydrate, moisten
Example 1: Lack of water can dehydrate your body quickly in hot weather. (तातो मौसममा पानीको कमीले तपाईंको शरीरलाई चाँडै जलशोषण गर्न सक्छ।)
Example 2: The desert sun dehydrated the cactus, but it was able to survive due to its ability to store water. (मरुभूमिको सूर्यले काँडाको पानी निकाल्यो, तर यसले पानी भण्डारण गर्ने क्षमताका कारण जीवित रहन सक्यो।)
40. Deify
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdeɪ.ɪ.faɪ/
Syllable: Dei-fy
Nepali Meaning: देवता बनाउनु
Synonym: Glorify, idolize
Antonym: Criticize, vilify
Example 1: Many cultures deify their ancestors, attributing them with divine qualities. (धेरै संस्कृतिहरूले आफ्ना पूर्खाहरूलाई देवता बनाउँछन्, उनीहरूलाई दैवी गुणहरू आरोप गर्दछन्।)
Example 2: The ants deified the ant queen, following her commands without question. (मूर्खहरूले मूर्ख महारानीलाई देवता बनाए, उनको आदेशहरूलाई नसोधेर पालन गरे।)
41. Delineate
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈlɪn.i.eɪt/
Syllable: De-line-ate
Nepali Meaning: विस्तारमा वर्णन गर्नु
Synonym: Describe, outline
Antonym: Obscure, confuse
Example 1: The architect delineated the plan for the new building to the team. (वास्तुकारले टोलीलाई नयाँ भवनको योजना विस्तारमा वर्णन गरे।)
Example 2: The rabbit delineated his route to the carrot garden to his friends. (खरायोले आफ्ना साथीहरूलाई गाजरको बगाईचासम्मको रूटलाई विस्तारमा वर्णन गर्यो।)
42. Demur
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈmɜːr/
Syllable: De-mur
Nepali Meaning: सम्झौता नगर्नु
Synonym: Object, resist
Antonym: Agree, accept
Example 1: The artist demurred when asked to change his unique style to fit commercial demands. (कला प्रेमीले वाणिज्यिक मागहरूलाई पूरा गर्न आफ्नो अद्वितीय शैलीलाई परिवर्तन गर्न लागि अनुरोध गर्दा सम्झौता नगरे।)
Example 2: The hedgehog demurred at the idea of sharing his berries with the fox. (स्याउको भाँडाको साथ स्यालसंग सेयर गर्ने विचारमा गुँड्रुकले सम्झौता नगर्यो।)
43. Deride
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈraɪd/
Syllable: De-ride
Nepali Meaning: हाँस्य गर्नु
Synonym: Mock, ridicule
Antonym: Praise, respect
Example 1: It is unkind to deride someone for their mistakes. (कसैको त्रुटिहरूको लागि उनीहरूलाई हाँस्य गर्नु न्याय्य छैन।)
Example 2: The parrot derided the toucan for its colorful beak, but the toucan was proud of it. (म्याउले टुकनको रंगिन चोंचको लागि हाँस्य गर्यो, तर टुकन त्यसमा गर्वित थियो।)
44. Desiccate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdesɪkeɪt/
Syllable: Des-ic-cate
Nepali Meaning: सुखाउनु, जलशोषण गर्नु
Synonym: Dry, dehydrate
Antonym: Hydrate, moisten
Example 1: The intense heat of the sun can quickly desiccate plants. (सूर्यको प्रचण्ड तापले चाँडै वनस्पतिहरूलाई सुखाउन सक्छ।)
Example 2: The squirrel had to quickly eat his nuts before they desiccate in the hot summer. (गर्मीको गर्मीमा सुख्नु अघि त्वरित आफ्नो बदाम खानु पर्यो।)
45. Desolate
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɛsəlɪt/
Syllable: Des-o-late
Nepali Meaning: सुनसान, उजाड
Synonym: Deserted, bleak
Antonym: Populated, bustling
Example 1: After the war, the city was completely desolate with no sign of life. (युद्धपछि, शहर पूरै सुनसान थियो जीवनको कुनै चिन्ह नभएको।)
Example 2: The turtle felt desolate when all his friends left the beach. (सबै साथीहरूले समुद्रतट छोडे पछि कछुवालाई सुनसान लाग्यो।)
46. Despondent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈspɒndənt/
Syllable: Des-pon-dent
Nepali Meaning: निराश, उदास
Synonym: Dejected, downcast
Antonym: Cheerful, optimistic
Example 1: After the team lost the match, they were despondent and didn’t want to speak to anyone. (टिमले खेल हारेपछि, उनीहरू निराश थिए र कसैसँग पनि कुरा गर्न चाहन्थे।)
Example 2: The frog felt despondent when his favorite lily pad was taken by a bigger frog. (ठूलो मेंढेले उसको मनपर्दो लिली प्याड लिने बित्तिकै मेंढे उदास हुन थाल्यो।)
47. Detriment
Type: Noun
Sound: /ˈdɛtrɪmənt/
Syllable: Det-ri-ment
Nepali Meaning: क्षति, हानि
Synonym: Damage, disadvantage
Antonym: Benefit, advantage
Example 1: Smoking causes significant detriment to your health. (धुम्रपानले तपाईंको स्वास्थ्यमा ठूलो क्षति पुर्याउँछ।)
Example 2: The monkey realized the detriment of eating too many bananas when he got a stomach ache. (बन्दरले धेरै केराहरू खानुको क्षति बुझ्यो जब उसलाई पेट दुखायो।)
48. Deviate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdiːviːeɪt/
Syllable: De-vi-ate
Nepali Meaning: विचलित हुनु, मार्गभ्रष्ट हुनु
Synonym: Diverge, stray
Antonym: Adhere, conform
Example 1: It is not wise to deviate from your principles for temporary gain. (अस्थायी लाभको लागि आफ्ना सिद्धान्तहरूबाट विचलित हुनु बुद्धिमानी होईन।)
Example 2: The young deer learned not to deviate from the herd after getting lost once. (एक पटक हराएर बालक मृगले झुन्डबाट विचलित हुनु हुँदैन भन्ने सिक्यो।)
49. Diatribe
Type: Noun
Sound: /ˈdaɪ.ə.traɪb/
Syllable: Dia-tribe
Nepali Meaning: निन्दाले भरिएको भाषण
Synonym: Tirade, rant
Antonym: Compliment, praise
Example 1: The politician’s diatribe against his opponents made the debate very heated.
50. Dichotomy
Type: Noun
Sound: /daɪˈkɒtəmi/
Syllable: Di-chot-omy
Nepali Meaning: द्वन्द्व, दुई भागमा विभाजन
Synonym: Division, separation
Antonym: Similarity, likeness
Example 1: The dichotomy between the rich and poor is increasing in many societies. (धेरै समाजमा धनी र गरिबी बीचको द्वन्द्व बढ्दो छ।)
Example 2: The parrot was confused by the dichotomy of wanting to be free and also wanting to be safe inside his cage. (म्याउले स्वतन्त्र हुन चाहने र आफ्नो पिंजडाभित्र सुरक्षित हुन चाहने बीचको द्वन्द्वले भ्रमित गर्यो।)
51. Dictatorial
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˌdɪktəˈtɔːrɪəl/
Syllable: Dic-ta-to-ri-al
Nepali Meaning: तानाशाही
Synonym: Autocratic, tyrannical
Antonym: Democratic, permissive
Example 1: The dictatorial regime was overthrown by the people. (तानाशाही शासनलाई मानिसहरूले पराजित गरे।)
Example 2: The peacock’s dictatorial manner in claiming the best nesting spot did not endear him to other birds. (सबभन्दा राम्रो बस्ने ठाउँ दाबी गर्ने मोरको तानाशाही ढंगले अन्य चराहरूलाई मोरमा प्रेम उत्पन्न गरेन।)
52. Didactic
Type: Adjective
Sound: /daɪˈdæktɪk/
Syllable: Di-dac-tic
Nepali Meaning: शिक्षात्मक, सिकाउने
Synonym: Educational, instructional
Antonym: Entertaining, amusing
Example 1: The teacher’s didactic approach made the students understand the complex concepts. (शिक्षकको शिक्षात्मक दृष्टिकोणले विद्यार्थीहरूलाई जटिल अवधारणाहरू बुझ्न मद्दत गर्यो।)
Example 2: The wise old owl gave a didactic lecture to the younger birds about the dangers of flying too high. (बुढो बुद्धिमानी उल्लूले धेरै उचाईमा उड्ने खतराबारे तरुण चराहरूलाई शिक्षात्मक व्याख्यान दिए।)
53. Diffident
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪfɪdənt/
Syllable: Dif-fi-dent
Nepali Meaning: आत्मविश्वासहीन, संकोची
Synonym: Shy, reserved
Antonym: Confident, outgoing
Example 1: Despite being an expert in his field, he is diffident and does not like to draw attention. (आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा विशेषज्ञ भए तापनि उनी संकोची हुन् र ध्यान तान्न चाहन्छन्।)
Example 2: The mouse was diffident and always hesitated before asking for more cheese. (मुसा संकोची थियो र सँधै धेरै चिज अनुरोध गर्न अघि दुई पटक सोच्ने गर्थे।)
54. Digress
Type: Verb
Sound: /daɪˈɡres/
Syllable: Di-gress
Nepali Meaning: विषयबाट विचलित हुनु, टिप्पणी गर्नु
Synonym: Deviate, diverge
Antonym: Stay, maintain
Example 1: It’s easy to digress when discussing such a broad topic.
55. Dilatory
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪlətɔːri/
Syllable: Dil-a-to-ry
Nepali Meaning: ढिलो, विलम्बकारी
Synonym: Slow, tardy
Antonym: Prompt, quick
Example 1: His dilatory manner of working caused the project to be delayed. (उसको ढिलो काम गर्ने ढंगले परियोजनालाई ढिलो पर्न बाध्य बनायो।)
Example 2: The snail’s dilatory pace made the rabbit laugh, but the snail had the last laugh when it won the race. (स्नेलको ढिलो गतिले खरायोलाई हाँस्यो, तर दौड जितेपछि स्नेलले अन्तिम हास्यो।)
56. Diligent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/
Syllable: Dil-i-gent
Nepali Meaning: मेहनती, परिश्रमी
Synonym: Industrious, hardworking
Antonym: Lazy, idle
Example 1: Her diligent efforts led her to top the exam. (उसको मेहनती प्रयासले उसलाई परीक्षामा शीर्ष राख्यो।)
Example 2: The ant is known to be a diligent worker, always storing food for the winter. (मौरी एक मेहनती कामदार हुने रहेको छ, सँधै शीतकालका लागि खाना भण्डार गर्दै।)
57. Diminutive
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈmɪnjətɪv/
Syllable: Di-min-u-tive
Nepali Meaning: सानो, नानो
Synonym: Tiny, small
Antonym: Large, big
Example 1: Despite his diminutive stature, he has a powerful voice. (सानो ऊचाई भए तापनि उनको आवाज शक्तिशाली छ।)
Example 2: The diminutive mouse had a grand ambition to become the king of the jungle. (सानो मुसाले जंगलका राजा बन्ने ठूलो अभिलाषा राख्दै थिए।)
58. Discern
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsɜːrn/
Syllable: Dis-cern
Nepali Meaning: छानविन गर्नु, बुझ्नु
Synonym: Perceive, detect
Antonym: Overlook, ignore
Example 1: He was able to discern the truth from her facial expressions. (उनले उसका अनुहारहरूबाट सत्य छानविन गर्न सक्यो।)
Example 2: The wise old elephant could discern the danger of the approaching storm. (बुढो बुद्धिमान हात्तीले आगामी तूफानको खतरा बुझ्न सक्यो।)
59. Discrepancy
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈskrepənsi/
Syllable: Dis-crep-an-cy
Nepali Meaning: असहमति, अन्तर
Synonym: Inconsistency, difference
Antonym: Consistency, agreement
Example 1: The discrepancy between his words and actions was evident. (उनका शब्द र कृतिबीचको असहमति स्पष्ट थियो।)
Example 2: The fox couldn’t understand the discrepancy between the rabbit’s friendly words and his suspicious behavior. (लोमशले खरायोका मित्रतापूर्ण शब्द र संदिग्ध व्यवहारबीचको अन्तर बुझ्न सकेन।)
60. Disdain
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪsˈdeɪn/
Syllable: Dis-dain
Nepali Meaning: तिरस्कार, घृणा
Synonym: Contempt, scorn
Antonym: Respect, admiration
Example 1: He looked at his enemy with disdain. (उनले आफ्ना शत्रुलाई घृणाले हेरे।)
Example 2: The proud peacock held a certain disdain for the ordinary pigeons in the park.
61. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अपमान गर्नु, छोटो देखाउनु
Synonym: Belittle, denigrate
Antonym: Praise, commend
Example 1: It’s not good to disparage others just because they are different from us. (अरूलाई हामीभन्दा फरक भएकाले मात्र छोटो देखाउनु राम्रो हुँदैन।)
Example 2: The cat often disparaged the dog, but the dog remained friendly and kind. (बिरालोले सँधै कुकुरलाई अपमान गर्थ्यो, तर कुकुर सदैव मित्रतापूर्ण र दयालु बनेको थियो।)
62. Disparity
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪti/
Syllable: Dis-par-ity
Nepali Meaning: असमानता, विसंगति
Synonym: Inequality, difference
Antonym: Similarity, parity
Example 1: There is a significant disparity in wealth between the rich and the poor. (धनी र गरिबी बीच धनको कित्ता महत्त्वपूर्ण असमानता छ।)
Example 2: The disparity in size between the elephant and the mouse did not stop them from becoming friends. (हात्ती र मुसा बीचको आकारमा असमानताले उनीहरूलाई साथी बन्नबाट रोक्दैन।)
63. Dissent
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsent/
Syllable: Dis-sent
Nepali Meaning: मतभेद गर्नु, असहमत हुनु
Synonym: Disagree, object
Antonym: Agree, concur
Example 1: Not everyone will agree with you; some people will dissent. (सबैले तपाईंसंग सहमत हुने छैनन्; केही मानिसहरू मतभेद गर्नेछन्।)
Example 2: The birds all wanted to fly south for the winter, but the crow voiced his dissent. (सबै चराहरू शीतकालका लागि दक्षिण उड्न चाहान्थे, तर काउले आफ्नो मतभेद व्यक्त गर्यो।)
64. Divergent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /daɪˈvɜːrdʒənt/
Syllable: Di-ver-gent
Nepali Meaning: विपरीत, अलग
Synonym: Different, contrasting
Antonym: Similar, identical
Example 1: Their divergent viewpoints often led to heated debates. (उनीहरूको विपरीत दृष्टिकोणले प्राय: तातो बहसलाई नेतृत्व गर्यो।)
Example 2: The owl and the crow had divergent opinions about the best time to hunt. (उल्लू र काउको मध्ये शिकार गर्ने सबैभन्दा राम्रो समयको बारेमा विपरीत मतथिए।)
65. Divulge
Type: Verb
Sound: /daɪˈvʌldʒ/
Syllable: Di-vulge
Nepali Meaning: प्रकाशित गर्नु, खुलाउनु
Synonym: Disclose, reveal
Antonym: Conceal, hide
Example 1: He refused to divulge the secrets of his research. (उनले आफ्नो अनुसन्धानका गुप्ति प्रकाशित गर्न नमाने।)
Example 2: The squirrel did not want to divulge the location of his nut stash to the other animals. (म्याउले अरु जनावरहरूलाई आफ्नो बदामको स्टाशको स्थान प्रकाशित गर्न चाहेन।)
66. Docile
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdoʊsaɪl/
Syllable: Do-cile
Nepali Meaning: अनुगामी, अधीन
Synonym: Obedient, compliant
Antonym: Disobedient, rebellious
Example 1: The docile horse was easy to train. (अनुगामी घोडालाई सिकाउन सजिलो थियो।)
Example 2: Despite being a docile sheep among the lions, the sheep managed to win their respect. (सिंहहरूमध्ये एक अनुगामी भेडाका बाबजुद, भेडाले उनीहरूको सम्मान जित्न सफल भयो।)
67. Dogmatic
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɔːɡˈmætɪk/
Syllable: Dog-mat-ic
Nepali Meaning: कट्टर, अधिग्रहणशील
Synonym: Opinionated, stubborn
Antonym: Open-minded, flexible
Example 1: His dogmatic approach to problem-solving often created more problems than solutions. (उनको कट्टर समस्या समाधान दृष्टिकोणले प्राय: समाधानभन्दा बढी समस्या सिर्जना गर्थ्यो।)
Example 2: The dogmatic turtle refused to believe that anyone could be faster than him. (कट्टर कछुवाले आफूभन्दा चाँडै हुन सक्ने कसैलाई पनि विश्वास गर्न नमाने।)
68. Duplicity
Type: Noun
Sound: /duːˈplɪsɪti/
Syllable: Du-pli-ci-ty
Nepali Meaning: कपट, ढोंग
Synonym: Deceit, deception
Antonym: Honesty, sincerity
Example 1: His duplicity was revealed when the truth came out. (सत्य बाहिर आएपछि उनको कपट प्रकट भयो।)
Example 2: The fox was known for his duplicity, pretending to befriend other animals while planning to eat them. (लोमशलाई उसको कपटको लागि चिनिन्छ, अन्य जनावरहरूलाई मित्रता देखाउँदै तर उनीहरूलाई खाने योजना बनाउँदै।)
69. Dispassionate
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈpæʃənɪt/
Syllable: Dis-pas-sion-ate
Nepali Meaning: निष्पक्ष, उदासीन
Synonym: Unbiased, impartial
Antonym: Biased, partial
Example 1: A judge needs to be dispassionate while making a decision. (निर्णय गर्दा न्यायाधीशले निष्पक्ष हुनु पर्छ।)
Example 2: The owl was a dispassionate observer, watching the forest animals without taking sides. (उल्लू एक निष्पक्ष प्रेक्षक थिए, जंगली जनावरहरूलाई कुनै पक्ष लिनबिना हेर्दै।)
70. Dispel
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspel/
Syllable: Dis-pel
Nepali Meaning: हटाउनु, ताडनु
Synonym: Dismiss, eliminate
Antonym: Gather, accumulate
Example 1: The teacher tried to dispel the students’ fears about the upcoming exam.
71. Discord
Type: Noun
Sound: /ˈdɪskɔːrd/
Syllable: Dis-cord
Nepali Meaning: कलह, मतभेद
Synonym: Conflict, strife
Antonym: Harmony, agreement
Example 1: The discord between the two brothers was well known in the village. (दुई दाजुभाइ बीचको कलहले गाउँमा धेरै चर्चा गरिएको थियो।)
Example 2: In the animal kingdom, the constant discord between the lion and the hyena was legendary. (जनावर साम्राज्यमा, सिंह र हाइना बीचको लगातार कलह धेरैजसो दिनेहरूको कथा थियो।)
72. Discrepancy
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈskrepənsi/
Syllable: Dis-crep-an-cy
Nepali Meaning: अन्तर, विसंगति
Synonym: Inconsistency, variance
Antonym: Consistency, agreement
Example 1: The accountant found a discrepancy in the financial records. (लेखापालले वित्तीय रेकर्डमा अन्तर पाए।)
Example 2: The rabbit was puzzled by the discrepancy between the tortoise’s slow pace and his fast race win. (खरायोले कछुवाको धीरे गति र उसको छिटो दौडा जित्ने क्रमबीचको अन्तरले उसलाई चकित पार्यो।)
73. Disdain
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪsˈdeɪn/
Syllable: Dis-dain
Nepali Meaning: तिरस्कार, घृणा
Synonym: Contempt, scorn
Antonym: Respect, admiration
Example 1: She had a disdain for people who lied. (उसले झूट बोल्ने मानिसहरुलाई तिरस्कार गर्थिन्।)
Example 2: The peacock had a disdain for the sparrow because of his plain feathers. (मयूरले गोरबिरालोका कारणले चरालाई तिरस्कार गर्थ्यो।)
74. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अपमान गर्नु, छोटो देखाउनु
Synonym: Belittle, denigrate
Antonym: Praise, commend
Example 1: It’s not good to disparage others just because they are different from us. (अरूलाई हामीभन्दा फरक भएकाले मात्र छोटो देखाउनु राम्रो हुँदैन।)
Example 2: The cat often disparaged the dog, but the dog remained friendly and kind. (बिरालोले सँधै कुकुरलाई अपमान गर्थ्यो, तर कुकुर सदैव मित्रतापूर्ण र दयालु बनेको थियो।)
75. Dismay
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪsˈmeɪ/
Syllable: Dis-may
Nepali Meaning: हतास, चिन्ता
Synonym: Distress, consternation
Antonym: Joy, delight
Example 1: She felt dismay at the news of the accident. (दुर्घटनाको समाचारसुन्दा उनलाई हतास लाग्यो।)
Example 2: The squirrel’s dismay was evident when he realized his stash of nuts had been stolen. (म्याउले आफ्नो बदामको स्टाश चोरी भएको जब उनले बुझ्यो, त्यसको हतास स्पष्ट थियो।)
76. Disparaging
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈspærɪdʒɪŋ/
Syllable: Dis-par-ag-ing
Nepali Meaning: अपमानजनक, नकारात्मक
Synonym: Derogatory, deprecating
Antonym: Complimentary, positive
Example 1: He made several disparaging comments about her work. (उसले उनको कामका बारेमा केहि अपमानजनक टिप्पणीहरू गरे।)
Example 2: The parrot’s disparaging remarks about the crow’s singing ability caused much laughter in the jungle. (सुगाको बारेमा तिते पखेरुका अपमानजनक टिप्पणीले जंगलमा धेरै हास्य उत्पन्न गरे।)
77. Dissent
Type: Verb/Noun
Sound: /dɪˈsɛnt/
Syllable: Dis-sent
Nepali Meaning: मतभेद गर्नु, असहमत हुनु
Synonym: Disagree, differ
Antonym: Agree, concur
Example 1: A few scientists still dissent from the majority view on climate change. (केहि वैज्ञानिकहरु अझै पनि जलवायु परिवर्तनमा बहुसंख्यक दृष्टिकोणबाट मतभेद गर्दछन्।)
Example 2: Even though the entire flock of birds were flying south, one sparrow decided to dissent and fly north. (सबै चराको झुण्ड दक्षिणतर्फ उडिरहेका भए पनि, एक गोरवीले मतभेद गर्ने र उत्तरतर्फ उड्ने निर्णय गर्यो।)
78. Discreet
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈskriːt/
Syllable: Dis-creet
Nepali Meaning: सतर्क, बुद्धिमानी
Synonym: Careful, prudent
Antonym: Careless, imprudent
Example 1: He sent a discreet message to the police about the thief’s location. (उसले चोरको स्थानको बारेमा प्रहरीलाई एक सतर्क सन्देश पठायो।)
Example 2: The mouse was discreet, always making sure to avoid the cat’s line of sight. (मुसा सतर्क थियो, हामेशा बिरालोको दृष्टिक्षेत्र टाल्ने हेर्न सुनिश्चित गर्दै।)
79. Disembark
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˌdɪsɪmˈbɑːrk/
Syllable: Dis-em-bark
Nepali Meaning: उत्तरण गर्नु, उत्रनु
Synonym: Alight, exit
Antonym: Embark, board
Example 1: The passengers were eager to disembark after the long journey. (दीर्घ यात्रापछि यात्रुहरू उत्तरण गर्न उत्साही थिए।)
Example 2: The turtle was happy to disembark from the back of the tortoise after a tiring ride. (थकाइ पुरेको सवारीपछि कछुवाको पीठबाट उत्रन खुशी थियो।)
80. Disengage
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˌdɪsɪnˈɡeɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-en-gage
Nepali Meaning: मुक्त गर्नु, छुट्टाउनु
Synonym: Disconnect, detach
Antonym: Engage, connect
Example 1: She was trying to disengage herself from the argument. (उनी बहसबाट आफ्नै आत्मालाई मुक्त गर्ने प्रयास गरिरहेकी थिइन्।)
Example 2: The beaver had to disengage its tail from the log it was stuck in. (बेभरले उसको पुच्छरलाई लग्गेर बसेको ठूलो टुक्राबाट मुक्त गर्नु पर्यो।)
81. Discourse
Type: Noun
Sound: /ˈdɪskɔːrs/
Syllable: Dis-course
Nepali Meaning: वार्तालाप, विचार-विमर्श
Synonym: Discussion, dialogue
Antonym: Silence, quiet
Example 1: The teacher initiated a discourse on the importance of education. (शिक्षकले शिक्षाको महत्वको विषयमा वार्तालाप सुरु गरे।)
Example 2: The owl and the nightingale had a long discourse about who is the best singer in the forest. (उल्लू र बुलबुलले वनमा को सर्वश्रेष्ठ गायक हो भन्ने विषयमा लामो वार्तालाप गरे।)
82. Dispel
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈspɛl/
Syllable: Dis-pel
Nepali Meaning: हटाउनु, नष्ट गर्नु
Synonym: Dismiss, eradicate
Antonym: Welcome, accept
Example 1: The teacher tried to dispel any fears the students had about the test. (शिक्षकले विद्यार्थीहरूले परीक्षाबारे भएको डरलाई हटाउने प्रयास गरे।)
Example 2: The crow tried to dispel the myths about crows being bad luck. (कागले कागलाई दुर्भाग्य मान्ने आस्थालाई हटाउने प्रयास गर्यो।)
83. Dwindle
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdwɪndl/
Syllable: Dwin-dle
Nepali Meaning: क्षय हुनु, घट्नु
Synonym: Decrease, shrink
Antonym: Increase, grow
Example 1: The community’s resources began to dwindle after the hurricane. (भुईचालोपछि समुदायको स्रोतहरू घट्न थाले।)
Example 2: The lion watched as his prey began to dwindle, due to his own constant hunting. (सिंहले आफ्नो लगातार शिकारको कारणले उसका प्रेयजन्तुहरू घट्न थाले, उसले हेर्दैगयो।)
84. Disseminate
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsɛmɪneɪt/
Syllable: Dis-sem-i-nate
Nepali Meaning: फैलाउनु, प्रसारण गर्नु
Synonym: Spread, distribute
Antonym: Collect, gather
Example 1: The organization works to disseminate important information to the public. (संस्थाले सार्वजनिकलाई महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारी फैलाउने काम गर्दछ।)
Example 2: The squirrel disseminated the seeds of the tree all over the forest while eating. (खाने बेला म्याउले वनको सबै ठाउँमा रुखका बीउहरू फैलायो।)
85. Discern
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsɜːrn/
Syllable: Dis-cern
Nepali Meaning: बुझ्नु, छान्बिन गर्नु
Synonym: Perceive, detect
Antonym: Miss, overlook
Example 1: He could discern a figure in the darkness. (उसले अँध्यारोमा एक आकार बुझ्न सके।)
Example 2: The deer could discern the predator lurking in the tall grass. (हिरणले उच्च घाँसमा घुसेको शिकारीलाई छान्बिन गर्न सक्यो।)
86. Discrepancy
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈskrɛpənsi/
Syllable: Dis-crep-an-cy
Nepali Meaning: विसंगति, असहमति
Synonym: Inconsistency, difference
Antonym: Consistency, agreement
Example 1: The team discovered a major discrepancy in the data. (टोलीले डाटामा एक प्रमुख विसंगति फेला पार्यो।)
Example 2: The hare pointed out the discrepancy between the tortoise’s slow speed and his winning the race. (खरायोले कछुवाको धीमो गति र उसले प्रतियोगिता जित्नेबीचको विसंगतिलाई उजागर गर्यो।)
87. Distort
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈstɔːrt/
Syllable: Dis-tort
Nepali Meaning: बिगार्नु, विरूप गर्नु
Synonym: Warp, misshape
Antonym: Preserve, maintain
Example 1: The mirror was so old that it distorted her reflection. (दर्पण यति पुरानो थियो कि त्यसले उसको प्रतिबिम्ब बिगारिदियो।)
Example 2: The clown’s balloon twisted and distorted into a variety of fun shapes for the kids. (बाँच्छाहरूको लागि मजेदार आकारमा बदल्न बाजेको बालुन घुमाएर बिगारियो।)
88. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsparɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अपमान गर्नु, अवमानना गर्नु
Synonym: Belittle, deprecate
Antonym: Praise, compliment
Example 1: He made a speech disparaging the efforts of his opponents. (उसले आफ्ना प्रतिद्वंद्वीहरूको प्रयासको अपमान गर्ने भाषण दिए।)
Example 2: The peacock couldn’t help but disparage the sparrow’s plain feathers. (मयूरले गोरवीका साधारण पखेटाहरूको अपमान गर्न आफैंलाई रोक्न सकेन।)
89. Diligent
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/
Syllable: Dil-i-gent
Nepali Meaning: परिश्रमी, लगनी
Synonym: Industrious, hardworking
Antonym: Lazy, idle
Example 1: Her diligent efforts paid off when she won the scholarship. (उसको परिश्रमी प्रयासले पुरस्कार पाएको छ जब उसले छात्रवृत्ति जिते।)
Example 2: The ant was diligent, tirelessly gathering food for the winter. (मूरी परिश्रमी थियो, जाडोका लागि खाना थक्क परेको बिना जम्मा गरिरहेको।)
90. Derive
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈraɪv/
Syllable: De-rive
Nepali Meaning: प्राप्त गर्नु, निष्कर्ष निकाल्नु
Synonym: Extract, obtain
Antonym: Insert, lose
Example 1: She derived great satisfaction from helping others. (उसले अरुलाई मदत गर्दा धेरै सन्तुष्टि प्राप्त गरिन्।)
Example 2: The bee derives nectar from flowers to make honey.
91. Defiant
Type: Adjective
Sound: /dɪˈfaɪənt/
Syllable: De-fi-ant
Nepali Meaning: चुनौतीपूर्ण, अडिग
Synonym: Resistant, rebellious
Antonym: Compliant, obedient
Example 1: The defiant child refused to do his homework. (चुनौतीपूर्ण बालकले आफ्नो गृहकार्य गर्ने अस्वीकार गरे।)
Example 2: The cat remained defiant, not moving even when the dog barked. (कुकुरले भोके पनि बिरालो अडिग बनी रह्यो, एउटा पनि स्थानमा नचले।)
92. Demeanor
Type: Noun
Sound: /dɪˈmiːnər/
Syllable: De-mea-nor
Nepali Meaning: व्यवहार, आचरण
Synonym: Behavior, conduct
Antonym: Misconduct, misbehavior
Example 1: Her calm demeanor helped to ease the tense situation. (उसको शान्त व्यवहारले तनावग्रस्त परिस्थितिलाई हल्का पार्न सहयोग पुर्यायो।)
Example 2: The penguin’s happy demeanor always made people smile at the zoo. (पेंगुइनको खुशी आचरणले सदैव चिडियाखानामा मानिसहरूलाई हाँसो ल्याउँछ।)
93. Disparage
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsparɪdʒ/
Syllable: Dis-par-age
Nepali Meaning: अवमानना गर्नु, उपेक्षा गर्नु
Synonym: Belittle, deprecate
Antonym: Praise, compliment
Example 1: It’s not fair to disparage the efforts of others. (अरूको प्रयासलाई अवमानना गर्नु न्यायिक होईन।)
Example 2: The proud peacock tended to disparage the other birds’ plumage. (गर्वी मयुरले अन्य पक्षीहरूको परवाला पर्खालाई अवमानना गर्ने गर्दछ।)
94. Deter
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈtɜːr/
Syllable: De-ter
Nepali Meaning: रोक्नु, हतार गर्नु
Synonym: Prevent, discourage
Antonym: Encourage, prompt
Example 1: High prices deter many people from buying luxury cars. (उच्च मूल्यले धेरै मानिसलाई ऐश्वर्य गाडीहरू किन्नबाट रोक्छ।)
Example 2: The scarecrow was designed to deter birds from eating the crops. (डराउनेको लागि बनाइएको दरबारमानिसले पक्षीहरूलाई फसल खानबाट रोक्ने गरेको थियो।)
95. Dismantle
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪsˈmantl/
Syllable: Dis-man-tle
Nepali Meaning: विघटन गर्नु, तोड्नु
Synonym: Disassemble, tear down
Antonym: Assemble, construct
Example 1: The crew began to dismantle the old bridge. (कर्मचारीहरूले पुरानो पुल विघटन गर्न थाले।)
Example 2: The squirrel had to dismantle its nut stash when it found a better hiding spot. (सानो गिल्ले चुहाले यदि उसले बेहतर लुकाउने स्थान पाए त्यसले आफ्नो बदामको छुपावस्थल विघटन गर्नु पर्यो।)
96. Dubious
Type: Adjective
Sound: /ˈdjuːbiəs/
Syllable: Du-bi-ous
Nepali Meaning: संदेहजनक, संशयात्मक
Synonym: Doubtful, uncertain
Antonym: Certain, definite
Example 1: He had a dubious expression on his face when he saw the unusual dish. (उसले असामान्य खाना देखेपछि आफ्नो अनुहारमा संदेहजनक भाव देखाए।)
Example 2: The monkey found the banana peel to be a dubious treat. (बन्दरले केलाको छिल्का एक संदेहजनक उपहार पाए।)
97. Deplete
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈpliːt/
Syllable: De-plete
Nepali Meaning: खत्म हुनु, कम हुनु
Synonym: Exhaust, drain
Antonym: Fill, replenish
Example 1: Using air conditioners all day will deplete the ozone layer. (सारा दिन एयर कन्डिसनर प्रयोग गर्दा ओजोन परत खत्म हुनेछ।)
Example 2: The squirrel was worried that winter would deplete its acorn stash. (सानो गिल्ले चुहाले चिन्ता गरेको थियो कि जाडोले यसको एकोर्न छुपावस्थललाई खत्म पार्नेछ।)
98. Discern
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈsɜːrn/
Syllable: Dis-cern
Nepali Meaning: छानबिन गर्नु, बुझ्नु
Synonym: Detect, perceive
Antonym: Miss, overlook
Example 1: It was hard to discern the truth from his statement. (उसको वक्तव्यबाट सत्य बुझ्न मुस्किल थियो।)
Example 2: The owl used its keen eyesight to discern a mouse in the darkness. (उल्लूले अन्धकारमा मुसा छानबिन गर्न आफ्नो तीक्ष्ण दृष्टिशक्तिको प्रयोग गर्यो।)
99. Decimate
Type: Verb
Sound: /ˈdesɪmeɪt/
Syllable: De-ci-mate
Nepali Meaning: ध्वस्त पार्नु, नष्ट गर्नु
Synonym: Destroy, annihilate
Antonym: Preserve, protect
Example 1: The hurricane could decimate the coastal town. (हरिकेनले तटीय नगरलाई ध्वस्त पार्न सक्छ।)
Example 2: The cat thought it could decimate the mouse population, but they were too numerous. (बिरालोले आफूले मुसाको जनसंख्यालाई ध्वस्त पार्न सक्ने सोच्यो, तर उनीहरू धेरै थिए।)
100. Deteriorate
Type: Verb
Sound: /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/
Syllable: De-te-ri-o-rate
Nepali Meaning: बिग्रनु, खराब हुनु
Synonym: Worsen, decay
Antonym: Improve, enhance
Example 1: The building started to deteriorate after years of neglect. (वर्षौं नजिकै बिग्रेपछि भवन बिग्रन थाल्यो।)
Example 2: The cheese started to deteriorate when the mouse forgot about it. (मुसाले यसको बारेमा बिर्सेपछि पनीर बिग्रन थाल्यो।)